Monthly Archives: March 2023

The finish line always feels weird

The first draft of the fourth/”last” book of Therapist is done. Which means that I just wrote… back of the envelope calculation… about 130,000 words in six months. October through March. I’ve written or edited every day since Christmas Eve.

What? Truly. What?

Only the first book is out so far; the second is waiting on title design; the third is with a beta reader now. I guess now I’ll set this aside for a bit and, most likely, work on my unfinished non-A&K project in the Healers-verse before coming back to edit this one.

I say “last” in scare quotes because the one thing this series has in common with Healers (except for a level of earnestness that is truly unbearable for most) is the number of loose ends left lying around for potential side stories and sequels. I’m conflicted about the idea of adding extra hashtag-content for an omnibus edition. I’d rather just release some extras online or put together a compilation later. The omnibus should just be an omnibus, I think. It’s probably bad business, but whatever. I don’t like the idea of pressuring people to rebuy something they already have.

Anyway, it’s been a hell of a lot of fun, and I look forward to getting it out there whether or not it has a reader base. Just to get it out there. Just in case.

MVP: Catherine, unless it’s Dedue

  1. As soon as the cover titles are done, Therapist book 2 will be ready to release. (No pressure, ha) The first draft of Book 4 is progressing fine. I don’t want to put a particular timeline out there because not everything is under my control, but I’m optimistic.
  2. Finished the Blue Lions / Azure Moon playthrough of Fire Emblem: Three Houses. I think this game has eaten my brain mostly because of its focus on character interaction. Also, I’ve always liked tactical JRPGs. Two great tastes, etc.
FE3H Azure Moon spoilers

One… more… dollar

I bumped up the price of The Healers’ Road to $2.99 US from $1.99, where it’s been for … a while (couple of years?). So all three of the current Healers books are set at $2.99. It’s just based on Amazon’s floor for 70% royalties – at $1.99 I make 70 cents per ebook, and at $2.99 it’s about $2. I’m not a huge fan of the Zon overall, so I’m not saying their system is particularly fair or great, but I am too tired right now thanks to Mystery Not-Covid Cold or Whatever (with bonus day-job stress) to get into the whole wall of text.

Basically, ~$2 seemed nicer than 70 cents. And if you’re interested in reading the book and that dollar makes a difference, I will gladly send you a copy by email for zero dollars. I’ve always said that, and it continues.

Writing update: Therapist book 4 has passed 10k, which means it’s… a quarter to a third of the way done? This novella thing is wild. On a whim, I also skimmed through my Healers-verse side project the other day, and … I still really like it? Once Therapist is done, I might come back to that before deciding what to do with Agna and Kei. As long as I keep working on something, anything, really, it’s serving its psychological purpose here.

Gaming, which is all my brain has energy for today: Fire Emblem: Three Houses spoilers for about 2/3 of the way through Azure Moon.

Truly what the fuck, Dimitri