Despite the best efforts of this fever I always run after I get booster shots, the first draft of The Strangers’ Crossroads is done. 152,000 words, holy crap that’s too long. I hope to get it down to 125k by the time it’s released.
Next, I’m going to set this aside and do my last rounds of edits for Ballad of the Bardbarian, including incorporating any stuff that comes up in the beta reading phase. Once that’s out, I’ve got a whole to-do list for the first edits to Strangers, including sketching maps and floor plans (for continuity as well as ??inclusion in the final??) and some dire wordcount cuts.
But for now, we’ve gotten through the story. <3 This one was a long time coming, and it has a while to go yet. But I’m glad we made it this far.
I’m not even sure The Strangers’ Crossroads is going to be the final title, but to celebrate, here’s a song that won’t leave my head for obvious reasons.